Old Dogs (Disney Movie)

Idioms revision: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks".

Use of "because" and "because of":
1) Watch the movie segment here http://moviesegmentstoassessgrammargoals.blogspot.com/2011/06/old-dogs-because-of-x-because.html
2) Copy this exercise in your portfolio and complete the blanks with because or because of.

1. They broke into an enclosure ________ they were not allowed to get in.
2. They got terrified ___________ the gorilla.
3. The gorilla threw a tire at him ______ he was intimidated by the invaders.
4. The penguins attacked them ___________ they were defending their space.
5. The gorilla held him in its arms _________ his small size.
6. He got angry at penguins __________ the attack in the enclosure.
7. A superhero was hired _____________ the birthday party.
8. He wore the superhero outfit ___________ it was the only way to get in the party.
9. He fell into a pond _____ there was a problem with the flying device.
10. Everything he did was ________ his children.
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